Source: Mumbai University News 15 FEB 2021
Source: Mumbai University News 15 FEB 2021
Source: Mumbai University News 31-08-2020
Uday Samant education minister of maharashtra has announced the examination will be held in the first week of October.
He also said that the exams will be of less marks so that there is no pressure on students.
The Vice-chancellors of several universities have demanded an extension from UGC till 31 October.
A meeting of the disaster management department will be happen on Wednesday in consultation with the chief minister where they will request UGC to get the extension of deadlines as requested by the Vice chancellors.
Source: Public News 30-05-2020
CM Udhav Thackeray on 30,May 2020 said, We are not in the right state to conduct exams in the current time. We are worried about the lakhs of students and the staff who will be present during the exams and hence it is not possible since we cannot risk their lives. Keeping this in mind, final-year university exams have been cancelled in Maharashtra and students will be marked based on aggregates. However, if the students are not satisfied with those results, they can appear for exams once again, once the situation is under control."
Source: Mumbai University 30-05-2020
The final year exam decision with guidelines will be available by June 1st or 2nd by Uday Samant, Minister for higher and Technical education.
Source: Mumbai University 19-05-2020
Mumbai University has issued the notification regarding the conduction of final year exams and also on which parameters non-final year students are to be promoted. The notification also contains information for students having ATKT and a year drop.
Source: Mumbai University 14-05-2020
Mumbai University has been advised to declare results till 15 July of all the students except final year students whose exams are to be taken in the month of July. All the colleges have been guided to submit the marks of the students till June 30. This is done to ensure that the new academic year can be started from August for all currently enrolled students.
Source: Mumbai Mirror 13-05-2020
Final year students in the state are slated to appear for university exams from July 1-30. The union ministry of human resource development (MHRD) has also indicated that it will hold the remaining papers of class 12 CBSE board from July 1-15. The prestigious medical and engineering entrances NEET and JEE-Mains will also be held on July 26 and July 18-23. respectively. The state common entrance test (CET) will also be conducting its competitive tests for various professional course in July. We are preparing an action plan. Reducing the number of students. allotting one bench per student. diving them in batches are some of the ideas the varsity is mulling. We also have to think about how to maintain social distance in hostels when the students come back' a varsity official told Mirror. Autonomous colleges which conduct their own exams also have to follow the Mumbai University guidelines. Jai Hind College has planned a trial run of teachers and staff sitting in a class to plan the layout of seating arrangement. It's either one student per bench in a zig-zag manner or one every alternate bench. We will do an actual demo after the lockdown is relaxed. Or we can visualise the classroom setting. We have students from all over the country. Its a huge challenge to consider how they will travel back to the city and how we can call our students in batches for exams.' Principal Ashok Wadia told Mirror.
Source: Mumbai University 12-05-2020
The University of Mumbai has started a helpline number and email facility for students for examinations and admission in the next class on the background of Covid-19. Helpline No: +919619034634 & +919373700797 Email: [email protected]
Source: Mumbai University 12-05-2020
Email Help for Idol Students: Students of the Institute of Distance and Open Studies University of Mumbai, Students can contact [email protected] Students can use this email to solve their problems regarding exams and admissions.
Source: Mumbai University 11-05-2020
UGC has established a cell to address grievances of students related to COVID-19 pandemic and also has advised other universities to follow the same for its students. The commission has issued a special helpline number:- 011-23236374 and email [email protected] for grievances related to examinations.
Source: Hindustan Times 10-05-2020
A day after the state minister for higher and technical education Uday Samant announced that all university students except final year undergraduate and post-graduate students will be promoted to the next academic year, principals are awaiting a final word from the University of Mumbai (MU) for clarity. Many colleges are still unclear on which of the two 50:50 formulas, one suggested by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and one by the state government, need to be implemented. UGC has recommended that colleges promote first and second year students, 50% based on a students performance in internal tests and other projects in the current semester and the remaining 50% on previous semester's performance. The state education minister, however, suggested that 50% of a student's assessment should be based on this year's performance and 50% on that of the previous year. Parag Thakkar, principal in-charge , HR College, Churchgate said they are waiting for a final word from the university on the gradation formula for promoting students. Many colleges are also unsure about the attendance rule suggested by Samant. MU mandates students to have 75% attendance. A statement released by MU late on Saturday stated that the varsity is preparing an action plan for the academic schedule with the planning of 158 examinations in the final session of the final year of diploma, undergraduate and post-graduate courses. "About 2,22,581 students will be enrolled," said an MU official.
Source: Mumbai University 9-05-2020
IDOL Mumbai University conducts examination annually for its students every year. According to recent guidelines given by the Higher and Technical Education Minister it has been proposed that Only final year students of the course whose examinations are conducted annually will be examined.
Source: Mumbai University 9-05-2020
Students who are in their final year and final semester are expected to give exams in July according to UGC guidelines. However state ministry will be reviewing the current decision on taking exams for final year students in June. If the situation doesn't improves amidst the ongoing crisis then the university won't be risking students and a review meeting could be called to decide the future of exams and the final year students can be passed on past performance like others..
Source: Mumbai University 8-05-2020
Here is a list of things Mr. Uday Samant ji told:
1. Except for final year students (all streams) all other students in the interim semesters to be promoted. For students to be promoted in the interim semesters, the results for would be 50% of previous semester and 50% of current semester.
2. If after promoting too, the students fail (ie after 50-50% pattern, if students fail) they can forward KT to the next sem and they would be allowed to give papers in the next semester.
3. Also after promotion of the interim semester students if they feel that they have not received enough marks from the 50-50 pattern, then they can apply for re-exam in the next semester.
4. For MU and SPPU best grading system would be followed which means that best marks in each subject should be given.
5. All students who have live KT in the current semester shall be promoted to the next semester and their KT paper would be conducted in the next end semester examination (within 120 days).
6. For final year students the exams shall be conducted between 1st of July to 30th of July by following the norms of social distancing at the respective examination centres. the result of these examination shall be declared by 15th of August.
7. If lockdown extends beyond a certain period then the chief minister of Maharashtra would be taking a meeting with UGC on 20th of June for promotion of final year students.
8. Regarding practicals for final year students: the UGC has given respective universities a free hand to decide for the practicals of final year students. Mostly it has been thought that practicals should be conducted by submission of online journals and online oral / viva examination
9. MHT-CET examination would be conducted between 1st July and 15th July; the result of which shall be declared by 15th August. Similarly, JEE examination would be conducted between 18th July and 23rd July.
10. For attendance: All students shall be marked present for 45 days of the lockdown period. If the students still do not satisfy the required attendance criteria after 45 days of attendance, they shall be allowed to be considered for the examination.
11. If final year students have any queries regarding this pattern or guidelines from UGC, each University has been requested to establish cells within the next two days for resolution of those queries.
12. Autonomous universities too shall follow these UGC guidelines regarding examination of final year students.
13. Since, in the UGC guidelines, there was no clause mentioned regarding immediate promotion of final year students, we cannot promote them as of now. Also it is possible that final year students would have examinations with reduced marks and reduced time; eg: 100 marks paper could be reduced to 50 and 3 hours timing could be reduced to 2 hours.
Source: Mumbai University 7-05-2020
Exams may be conducted in a shorter time-frame, without holidays between two papers, they
said. Due to the lockdown on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University Grants
Commission (UGC) had recently stated that all pending university semester and intermediate
exams would be conducted from July1to August and all results would be declared by August 14,
2020.Uday Samant, higher and technical education minister of Maharashtra, said, "Exams will
be conducted in July, followed by result declaration. We aim to begin the new academic year
from September 1, 2020, for new students." .